Walking along these routes allows you to experience an authentic adventure, to reach out to others and to rediscover nature..
Saint Martin greatly marked Touraine down the centuries. Four hiking routes linked to the history and heritage of this major European figure from the 4th century reflect his exceptional influence on our region, even today.
One of them, ‘Le Chemin de L’Été de la Saint-Martin’, is 114km long, departing from Chinon, passing via Candes-Saint-Martin, then Langeais, to reach Tours.
Every year, early in November, many events are held retracing the journey of Saint Martin’s remains, celebrating the miracle it was felt occurred as his body passed along.
The trail ‘Au Détour des Chemins de Saint Martin en Bourgueillois’
‘Le Sentier de l’Eté de la Saint-Martin’, on its 114 kilometres, follows the route along which the great man’s body was taken, after his death, from Candes-Saint-Martin to Tours. It crosses the Pays de Bourgueil via Chouzé-sur-Loire and La-Chapelle-sur-Loire. Branching off this trail, a further 53km circuit goes to Continvoir, a parish known for its heritage linked to Saint Martin. Along the whole length of this circuit (possible to tackle over a weekend), explore the rich heritage of the Pays de Bourgueil, be it on foot, by bike, or on horseback.
- Pick up the relevant leaflets and trail information from our tourist offices.
- The trail ‘Le Chemin de l’Eté de la Saint Martin’ (114km in length)
- The trail ‘Au Détour des Chemins de Saint Martin en Bourgueillois’ (53km in length)
Les Chemins de Saint-Martin
On top of the hiking path ‘Le Chemin de L’Été de la Saint-Martin’, there are two further European-wide trails dedicated to Saint Martin that cross Touraine, taking walkers via significant spots in the saint’s life:
- ‘Le Chemin de l’Évêque de Tours’, going via Poitiers – Ligugé – Tours
- ‘Le Chemin de Trèves’, via Vendôme – Amboise – Tours
Find out more on Saint Martin’s history and legends on the website of the Centre Culturel Européen de Saint Martin de Tours.